A crown of thorns resting on a Bible, whose shadow makes a heart shape
Philippians Series



Philippians Series

About ETS

Summer Series — The Olivet Discourse


THE OLIVET DISCOURSE — How will it all end?

Summer Series --- The Olivet Discourse
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Listen to this week’s messages

Equipping the Saints - Weekend

Part 3 “The Ultimate Sign of Christ’s Coming And The End of This Evil Age” Matthew 24:15

Equipping the Saints - Daily

Part 1 “Examples of Faith to Follow: Timothy” Philippians 2:19-24

Equipping the Saints - Daily

Part 3 “How Can We Find True Joy?” Philippians 2:17-18

Equipping the Saints - Daily

Part 2 “How Can We Find True Joy?” Philippians 2:17-18

Equipping the Saints - Daily

Part 1 “How Can We Find True Joy?” Philippians 2:17-18

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What Listeners are Saying

Letters & comments from friends of this ministry

Phone comment from Lisa in New York

“I really appreciate the teaching….it’s right on target! I have never heard a preacher preach on Philippians so meaningfully as to how it applies to us – I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit.”

Phone Comment from Ute in Nevada

“This is the first time I heard your broadcast and I loved it!”

Phone Comment from Norma in New Mexico

“ I really enjoyed ETS’s message – it was encouraging & edifying, and it gave me knowledge and a good attitude.  It makes me want to get out there and keep on trying!”

Note from Cheryl in Michigan

“Dear friends in Christ,…We sure need some good teaching from Paul’s letter [of Philippians] – which comeswith such encouragement for believers & we need to be witnesses sharing the love ofJesus – being kind – … That’s what God wants & Pastor Greg, you share that“lovingkindness” so faithfully & with so much concern for those … Read more

Note from Lev in New York

“Dear Equipping the Saints,Thank you…for so promptly sending the CDs. I’ve listened to them a few times already.…I look forward to your program every Saturday at 6 pm on WHAZ 1330 AM in Troy,NY.…Thanks again.Sincerely in Christ,Lev”

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