A crown of thorns resting on a Bible, whose shadow makes a heart shape
Ezekiel Series

“Then You Will Know that I Am the LORD”

A Series in Ezekiel

Ezekiel Series

About ETS

Summer Series — The Olivet Discourse


The Olivet Discourse –
How Will It All End?

Summer Series --- The Olivet Discourse
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Listen to this week’s messages

Equipping the Saints - Daily

Part 4 “Is Your God in a Box? Ezekiel’s Vision.” Ezekiel 1:22-28

Equipping the Saints - Daily

Part 3 “Is Your God in a Box? Ezekiel’s Vision.” Ezekiel 1:4-21

Equipping the Saints - Weekend

Part 2 “How Can One Avoid Spiritual Laziness? An Eternal Warning.” Matthew 24:36-51

Equipping the Saints - Daily

Part 2 “Is Your God in a Box? Ezekiel’s Vision.” Ezekiel 1:4-21

Equipping the Saints - Daily

Part 1 “Is Your God in a Box? Ezekiel’s Vision.” Ezekiel 1:4-21

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What Listeners are Saying

Letters & comments from friends of this ministry

Letter from Michael in Arizona

“…I enjoy Pastor Greg’s preaching live streaming on Sunday mornings. I reallyappreciate the service singing many of the old hymns. They are more meaningful to methan most contemporary songs of praise.May God pour out generous blessings on ETS and Equipping Bible Church, and onall souls connected with them.Grace and peace,Michael”

Phone comment from Richard in Wisconsin

“God bless your program! I really love it!!”

Phone comment from Donna in Arizona

“The current teaching…I’m finding it just so beneficial to me…!”

Phone comment from Allen in Texas

“I like the way he (Greg) teaches!”

Phone comment from Ron in Michigan

“That was a wonderful message (from Philippians 4:4-7). My wife and I will listen to itevery day. Thank you and God bless!”

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Please tell us how the Lord is using this ministry in your life! We so appreciate your encouraging words!


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